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What is CBT & REBT?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the leading, most effective type of counseling for anxiety, depression, marriage/relationships, anger, stress, and many mental health issues.
Psychotherapy and counseling approaches may vary from one counselor to another. Some therapists meld together different orientations and teachings. This 'pick and choose' method is often not of benefit to the client/patient, and sometimes may even be detrimental. Conversely, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a method used and adhered to by many psychotherapists today as a single source approach for helping people get over the emotional upsets in their lives, and be better prepared when difficulties arise in the future.
CBT teaches people how to change how they think about things.
Rational Emotive-Behavior Therapy (REBT), formulated in the 1950s by Dr. Albert Ellis, is the original Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and today is widely practiced throughout the world.
The crux of REBT is that outside elements (the world around you, it, they, he, she) do not create emotions, rather, it is the interaction with such and the beliefs and expectations which we have which give rise to the emotions we feel. When your beliefs become rigid, such as 'everybody should like me' - then emotional disturbance is the result. REBT teaches to modify the belief so that it's not so rigid and therefore less likely to create emotional upset (such as, 'it would be nice if everybody liked me, but I realize that not everyone will.')
Cognitive-behavioral treatment for those suffering from any number of emotional or mental upsets begins with pointing out the importance of one's own self-dialogue, and how to go about adjusting it to be of benefit & change how you feel by changing your thinking.
Furthermore, REBT methods are quick to take hold: weeks or months, although the person is encouraged to further their learnings and to practice.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is form of psychotherapy based on cognitions, assumptions, behaviors, and beliefs. In general, people have a tendency to create negative emotions due to inaccurate perceptions.
CBT was developed out of behavior modification, Cognitive Therapy and Rational Emotive-Behavior Therapy. It is widely used to treat mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders. It is also effectively used in the areas of marriage and relationship counseling, anger management, substance abuse, and more.
CBT is widely accepted as an evidence - and empiricism-based, cost-effective psychotherapy for many disorders and psychological problems. It is sometimes used with groups of people as well as individuals, and the techniques are also commonly adapted for self-help manuals and, increasingly, for self-help software packages. (Source: Wikipedia)
What is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)?
Albert Ellis, Ph.D., was an author and psychologist who developed Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) in the early 1950's. REBT is a therapeutic approach that stimulates emotional growth and teaches people to replace self-defeating thoughts and actions with more effective ones. REBT gives individuals the power to change the unhealthy behaviors that interfere with their ability to enjoy life. (Source Albert Ellis Institute)
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) was developed from the tenets of REBT. Thus, CBT and REBT are related; their methodologies differ somewhat and I have found REBT to be the superior therapy treatment for the areas in which I specialize.