Teaching you the solutions to be your own self-help counselor for life.
Depression Counseling
Depression doesn't have to feel hopeless.
The hurt of depression is very real. The feelings of hopelessness lack of interest in anything anymore and the relentless fatigue, to name but just a few of the symptoms of depression.
There truly is help & hope with depression counselling & therapy to help get you out of the funk of depression. I have been serving the Tampa Bay area with counseling and therapy since 1986 and have helped literally thousands of people in the Tampa Bay area overcome the devastating effects of depression via counselling methods that are both easy to put into practice right away, and for the long-term.
Upon completing my depression counseling program you will:
Discover why you get depressed, how to beat it
3 things to say to yourself to get out of a depressive funk
How depression affects your physical health and what to do
Learn how anxiety contributes to depression, & how to avoid it
The secret key to switch your brain from feeling hopeless to hopeful
The simple ABCs of preventing depression from coming back
Depression medications... are they safe? Are they for you?
See how you'll feel better after just 1 session
Understand 7 different ways to kick-start your day
I use REBT and CBT to help you talk to yourself in rational ways and I do it in a manner that you will find very easy to learn, if not actually enjoyable. Most importantly, this methodology of depression therapy will give you the tools to combat and win over depression for life.
Depression FAQ's
What exactly is depression and how do I know if I have it?
Depression is a disorder in which the subject feels no joy, has little to no hope of things getting better, combined with a feeling that there is nothing that will help them. Further symptoms usually occurring with depression include: sleep problems, (usually involving excessive sleep periods, although some people experience insomnia), fatigue, problems staying focused and concentrating, frustration, even thoughts of suicide.
Major depression involves at least five of the symptoms above for a two-week period. Such an episode is disabling and will interfere with the ability to work, study, eat and sleep. Major depressive episodes may occur once or twice in a lifetime, or they may re-occur frequently. They may also take place spontaneously, during or after the death of a loved one, a romantic breakup, a medical illness, or other life event. Some people with major depression may feel that life is not worth living and some will attempt to end their lives.
Dysthymia is a less severe, long-term, and chronic form of depression. It involves the same symptoms as major depression, mainly low energy, poor appetite or overeating, and insomnia or oversleeping. It can manifest as stress, irritability, and mild anhedonia, which is the inability to derive pleasure from most activities. People with dysthymia might be thought of as always seeing the glass as half empty.
Bipolar disorder, once called manic-depression, is characterized by a mood cycle that shifts from severe highs (mania) or mild highs (hypomania) to severe lows (depression).
During the manic phase, a person may experience abnormal or excessive elation, irritability, a decreased need for sleep, grandiose notions, increased talking, racing thoughts, increased sexual desire, markedly increased energy, poor judgment, and inappropriate social behavior. During the depressive phase, a person experiences the same symptoms as would a sufferer of major depression. Mood swings from manic to depressive are often gradual, although occasionally they can occur abruptly.
The best way to determine if you have depression is to speak with your family physician. They will ask some questions pertaining to symptoms so that they may make a diagnosis. Those same questions are available in online depression tests. Some people feel more comfortable taking a confidential online depression test than they do talking to their doctor.
Is depression really treatable without the use of prescription drugs?
Yes it is. I have helped scores of people with depression to dispose of their prescription meds once and for all.
While there are some people who may need to continue with medications, many others do not once they have received counseling. Depression may take on many forms. Some people get little relief from anti-depressants while others feel better.
Anyone with depression -- using meds or not -- can benefit from psychotherapy. The tools that are taught in counseling provide true relief. I show people how to ward off their depression, and further, how to become your own self-help therapist for life.
Is there one type of counseling that's better for depression?
Yes there is. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been recognized worldwide as the most recommended form of psychotherapy for depression. I utilize a specific type of CBT called REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) to treat those with mood disorders. You can learm more about CBT and REBT here.
How often do I need to come to therapy?
There is no set time on how long someone should be in therapy. It truly depends upon the person, their situation, the severity of it, as well as the person's willingness to participate with their counselor in the process and learn.
Generally, it is difficult to learn what you need to in less than 4 sessions. It is recommended that they be done in subsequent weeks because you will retain the information better. For some people, the time period may involve several weeks, and in some instances even several months. This will all be discussed during the initial assessment meeting with the doctor.
Is it possible to have both depression AND anxiety?
Yes it is. In fact, it's not all that uncommon for someone to suffer from depression and an anxiety disorder. I see this fairly often and have a comprehensive counseling plan of action when it's the case.
Nearly one-half of those diagnosed with major depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. The good news is that these disorders are both treatable, separately and together. Three main types of depressive disorders—major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder—can occur with any of the anxiety disorders.
Often depression and an anxiety disorder can be treated the same way. In many cases, therapy can be tailored to an individual so that it works to reduce the symptoms of both disorders. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (which works to replace negative and unproductive thought patterns with positive ones), is often effectively used to treat depression and anxiety disorders. Other therapies are targeted to specific anxiety disorders that may not apply to depression.
Is there one type of counseling that's better for depression?
Yes there is. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been recognized worldwide as the most recommended form of psychotherapy for depression. We utilize a specific type of CBT called REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) to treat those with mood disorders. You can learn more about CBT and REBT here.
Is free counseling available for depression, anger management, or anxiety?
While I'm not offering any free services, I do recommend some sites which some people find helpful. The website 'psychforum' has an anxiety forum where you can go and lurk for info, or sign up and ask questions and receive answers from professionals and anger sufferers alike. See the free psychforum here.
There is a list of other free chat rooms, discussion boards and the like at the Stress Group.
You may also want to try calling 2-1-1. The 2-1-1 program is an easy-to-remember three-digit telephone number that is currently available to about 75% of the U.S. population. The 2-1-1 program was created in the early 2000's to provide quick information and rererrals to health services and human service organizations. The cost is free; it is partially funded by the state and county, and by United Way. You simply need dial 2-1-1 on your phone. If you'd like to learn more about the overall 2-1-1 program, go here. If you would like to view the resources available in the Tampa Bay area, visit the Tampa Bay 2-1-1 website.
You may also consider - it is a website that brings people together to have face-to-face discussions about various mental health issues. Meetups are available in many areas of the country. To see if there is one in your area go here: